Monday, November 29, 2010

Language Blog

Part 1
I found this experiment very difficult; simple because my partner could not understand what I was trying to convey to them using hand signs nor my body language; it became very frustrating on my part. It makes me want to explore other methods other than speaking to communicate; before this experiment. Also it was amazing to me how much I relied on communicating verbally. I never thought about not being able to use my voice verbally I will definitely use this experiment again at family gatherings; this experience gave me a lot to think about.
At first my partner was not willing participant, however they came around to the idea very quickly. My partner’s expression was hilarious they were laughing at me because they said that I looked silly with the body language I was using, they could not figure out what I was trying to say. It was very hard for them to keep a straight face. When it was my partner’s turn to try the experiment they failed miserably because they are so use to communicating verbally that they had great difficulty using their hands and body language.
My partner and I imagined that she was from Mexico and I was from China. It was very complex because she actually spoke the language and understands the language, which was an advantage for her. However, I was at a complete loss, because I could not understand anything I was at a disadvantage. My attitude came into play, because I could not understand what my partner was saying, I cannot explain how annoying that was! I am employed at an Aerospace Company where the majority of employees are Mexican. They become very frustrated with the employees that speak English because it takes several minutes to interpret what they are trying to say on a day-to-day basis. I sympathize with them because it is so difficult for them to communicate. It could be something that is so simple, but for them it becomes a huge issue, and it puts a delay in the performance of their work.
Part 2
 This was a very difficult experience, for my partner and myself. I did not realize how often I talk using my hands, head and elevating my voice. I nor did my partner last for the 15 minutes. What made this experience difficult is; being conditioned to think that I have to move my hands when I speak because (old habits are hard to break). I think it is a part of my nature therefore I think that I cannot change.
My partner was affected by my communication limitations because, she could not stay focused because she was not use to that form of communicating even though it was an experiment.
I must admit that communicating with our hands, head, the elevation of our voices does help to get our point across when we are speaking to one another. We are creatures of habit, and usually we never miss something until it no longer exists. I am sure that we would be somewhat miserable if it was mandatory that we not use our hands, and shake our heads while speaking’ it is a way of life for us to communicate effectively.
I believe that there are those that have great difficulty reading body language. As an example: I have met people that have based an opinion about me just by the look on my face or the way that I am sitting. They have said that I am mean but once they get to know me; they understand that I am the complete opposite of what they thought. As the old saying goes, we should never judge a book by the cover. If there is an earthquake and people are devastated, upset and on edge that is a condition where it would not benefit anyone to read body language.


  1. I love how you equated the first part of the experiement directly with two individuals from two different language cultures trying to communicate. Its a very accurate way to get to the heart of this experiement.

    Good comments on the second part. Can you think of a specific group of people who have difficulty reading body language because of a physical disorder?

  2. For the first part of the experiment, I have to agree it was hard to get across to the other partners in the conversation what you really what to convey. This was the main problem in my experiment because my partners in the conversation did not understand what I was tryig to get across. As far as the second part of the experiment I too did not realize how much I rely on hand movements when communicating.

  3. It was very hard to communicate with my partner because he did make fun of me a lot and i did get frustrated because it took me a super long time to make him understand me. i believe this experience really made me understand what people use to feel like back before there was all this translation and learning other language!

  4. I agree, the experiment made feel the same way. We rely on verbal communication because it is the most effective form and it is the type of communication we were taught, but if we were unable to communicate verbally it would be extremely difficult to get use to such a harsh change. I liked how you involved others in the activity and made them a part of the exercise. Good Job
